Watch the recap video of this year’s The Pink Lid Conference held in Miami, FL.
Read MoreBehind the Song – “Padre Nuestro”
An intro, to a movie, a concert, or an album; if done well, can set you up for the experience. When I thought about the emotions I wanted people to feel when they pushed play on my project, I wanted them to feel anxious. I wanted to create an urgency.
The EP opens up with The Lord’s prayer spoken in spanish. My daughter being a part of this project means the world to me because during the time I was working on my album, I was getting hit left and right with distractions. At one point my daughter ended up in the hospital the night before I was scheduled to fly out to Los Angeles for a show. Out of nowhere she got a 104 fever and it wouldn’t break. Then she began throwing up non stop until we had to rush her to the ER. To make matters worse, my husband was out of town, working on his own projects. I could’ve easily began to worry and cower, but I did what I knew how to do and what my daughter has so often displayed; I prayed over my sick child and declared her healed. I knew that day, that this journey I’m on, is way bigger than me. My daughter is alive and well and is one of the biggest blessings in my life…
So back to the intro… The interesting thing is that I wrote the verses to the song, last. It was the last piece I felt was missing. I had experienced so many growing moments, especially in my relationship with God. I opened up the verse with the lyrics, “I told you to tell the whole world that I’m coming. Shots being fired but I am not running. I’m on a hundred, my church’s being hunted, It’s time to rise up, how bad to you want it?” I wrote it from God’s perspective, speaking out to me, to us… I was challenged that week by all the news stories, and situations that were happening even in the lives around me. What am I doing as a leader to help bring a resolve to these situations? Am I challenging those around me to live this life with an urgency?
I start the second verse with, “Everybody want keys to the kingdom see. They wanna wear crowns make their own decrees, We live in a world that wants justice and peace, While we give up our rights but this truth I will speak.” We live in a day and age now that so many people’s ambitions are aimed toward some sort of stage, seeking the spotlight. Anyone can be a celebrity nowadays and because of it, we’ve created a culture where we’ve allowed just about anyone to make the rules. So much has changed in the past year, with churches being attacked, police brutality, racism, the homosexual agenda… It feels as though we as Christians, are “freely” giving up our rights, our Christian beliefs. We’ve become afraid to speak the truth and stand firm on it for fear of offense and almost allowing our voices to be silenced. So when I say the lyric, “I won’t back down, When the time come I aint trynna spare nobody’s feelings.” I’m at a point in my life, that I don’t have time to sugar coat the truth. The truth has been the same from the beginning of time and it will continue to be the same truth when it’s all said and done. We need to be bold enough to stand our ground and rise up for what we believe in. Love each other enough to give them the truth and do it with love. We HAVE TO love God and love People! When I end the song with, “Warning, I’m warning you’re aiming back fired…Looked at my daughter I told her I’m good, I’m golden, and I’m going And I’m not let going…” I’m making a declaration, that despite the attempts to stop me from becoming the woman I was called to be, the attacks on my children, my family, my friends, and even my church; it wasn’t enough to shake me from pursuing the heart of Christ. It charged me up and made me feel Unstoppable.
I hope you get to know me a little better as I share my “Behind the Songs” with you.
Read MoreVIDEO PREMIERE: ‘No Love’